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Cara mendownload dokumen di scribd.com

Klik “Log in” di bagian Pojok Kanan Atas Scribd.com
Anda tidak perlu mendaftar/register terlebih dahulu, gunakan Login With Facebook
Untuk syarat bisa mendownload, kita di haruskan mengupload 1 file document apa saja. Selanjutnya, tekan tombol Upload di pojok kanan atas.
Upload file apa saja, pdf, word atau power point. Pilih file yang ukuran kecil saja, agar proses uploadnya cepat (*hanya sebagai syarat)
Setelah selesai upload file, jangan lupa isi : Judul dan Deskripsi saja, kemudian klik save & continue
Kemudian kembali ke halaman dokument scribd yang mau di download. Klik Download


Click "Log in" in the Top Right Shuffle section of Scribd.com You do not need to register / register first, use Login With Facebook For the condition can download, we are required to upload 1 file any document. Next, press Upload button in the upper right corner. Upload any file, pdf, word or power point. Choose a small file only, so that the upload is fast (* only as a condition) When finished uploading the file, do not forget the contents: Title and Description only, then click save & continue Then go back to the scribd document page that you want to download. Click Download

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